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Knowledge, Confidence, Tools & Support for your Relaxed Pregnancy, Empowered Birth &

Joyful Beyond

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Independent, well-balanced, evidence-based hypnobirthing antenatal classes &
caring 1:1 support for emotional wellbeing in pregnancy, birth and parenthood in Bristol & online.

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A very warm

...and Congratulations


on your Pregnancy!

Eva Kraemer HBCE, HPD, DSFH
Empowered Childbirth &
Birth Trauma Relief Specialist
Solution Focused Hypnotherapist
EFT & Matrix Re-Imprinting Practitioner
Fellow HypnoBirthing Mum

Expecting a baby is generally such an exciting and joyful time - but it can also be an emotional rollercoaster ride, commonly triggering a whole range of mixed emotions & worries - and often even before thoughts turn the actual birth itself!

Being able to effectively support your emotional wellbeing in pregnancy with proven tools, so you can release any stress or overwhelm - combined with cultivating a thoroughly empowering understanding of birth (which sadly not all antenatal classes do) are key to ensure the most positive experience of pregnancy and birth & give your family the best possible start.

That's precisely where I can help!

My anxiety busting 1:1 sessions & confidence building antenatal classes are designed to empower and optimally support you through your journey into parenthood so you can:

Reduce anxiety & boost relaxation and wellbeing before, during and after birth

Navigate the uncertainties of birth knowledgeably, confidently and calmly - and make well informed and empowered choices about your birth options.

Feel calm and in control during labour so you can work with your body to positively influence your baby's birth & minimise any need for medical assistance

Maximise the likelyhood of a natural birth and minimise pain in labour - even without drugs!

Protect yourself and your baby from unnecessary trauma & have a positive experience of birth - regardless of whether it's natural, induced or by cesarean

Support your first months with baby (and beyond) with the same calm and confidence that you cultivated in preparation for birth - so that you can navigate the thrills and challenges of family life with calm and ease & give your baby and growing family the best possible start!

Whether you are looking for comprehensive HypnoBirthing antenatal classes delivered to small groups in a relaxed home setting, or tailor-made private sessions (before or after birth) - guided completely by your own needs and that can also address any pre-existing anxieties through my personalised blend of Hypnotherapy, EFT & coaching- I am here for you!

As a HypnoBirthing mum myself, my classes benefit from a wealth of experience build up over the past 16 years supporting many 100's of expecting couples just like you how to

have positive & empowered births - and I would love to share my expertise with you now.

If you would like to arrange a complimentary taster session, or an informal chat just get in touch on 07957541056 of complete this handy form.

Sessions are available in person in Bristol or online via Zoom & I can't wait to hear from you!


Here's to your calm and joyful birth & beyond!

Eva x

Why HypnoBirthing?

Giving birth is an instictive, healthy & normal process that the body is designed to accomplish with far greater ease, than the less than positive birth stories and experiences that all too many of us sadly have been exposed to may suggest.


However, all those "less than encouraging" birth stories - commonly sharply highlighting the potential of pain and complications during labour, not to mention the somewhat unpredictable nature of birth - directly shape the way we think and feel about birth. And - for better or worse - due to the all powerful Mind-Body connection, the way you think and feel about birth profoundly impacts and shapes, not only the way you experience birth, but also the overall flow and ease of your baby's birth!


High-quality antenatal preparation, that carefully promotes a thoroughly empowered and confident outlook on labour and birth, builds a profound sense of trust in your body's innate ability for birth and trains your ability to relax deeply throughout labour - regardsless of circumstances - is therefore absolute key to ensure that labour and birth can unfold with the greatest ease - and comfort - and that any potential need for medical assistance or interventions can be minimised or, in many cases, eliminated altogether!  


This is exactly what my confidence building HypnoBirthing antenatal sessions provide!


Unlike most conventional antenatal classes, my HypnoBirthing classes have the Mind-Body connection at their core. They blend evidence based active birth education that provides empowering knowledge & understanding of the inner & outer workings of labour & birth with proven, deep relaxation tools and exercises that nurture a profound sense of confidence and trust in your innate ability to birth your baby safely, calmly and gently. You will gain a thorough understanding of what supports (or disrupts) pysiological birth, how your emotions around birth impact the flow and outcome of birth, what birth needs to work well, and what can (and needs!) to be done to enable you to trust, relax and let go in labour, so that you can support the gentlest, safest and easiest birth possible for your baby and yourself.

Image by Isaac Quesada
"Thank you, Eva, for all you did to prepare us for the birth of our perfect little girl. The hypnobirthing tools really helped, but the advice and personal support that you gave us above and beyond made the birth we had possible. The midwife said it was the nicest, most relaxed birth she ever attended. She was really blown away and I was very proud of myself. My pregnancy journey would have been very different had we not met you ..."
Chrissy, First Baby, Bristol
Take the first step towards your confident & positive pregnancy, birth and beyond by choosing from the following options:

Confident Birth & Beyond
  Group Sessions

Comprehensive HypnoBirthing antenatal course in small groups to ensure best outcomes.
Includes: pre-birth relaxation session just for mums, early days with baby session, lifetime access to Natural Breastfeeding Online Programme, and much more!

Confident Birth & Beyond
  Private Sessions

Benefit from my undivided attention with a private course tailored to your individual needs.
Take advantage of extra flexibility in terms of location, content, dates, frequency and number of sessions.

Anxiety or Birth Trauma
  Relief Sessions

Individual sessions prior to or alongside to the group or private course to find relief from anxiety that is either pre-existing or particularly severe - may it stem from previous birth trauma or whatever else life has thrown at you.

  Refresher Sessions

Brush up your HypnoBirthing tools & practice ready for your new arrival!
Create space and focus in preparation for the next birth with a refresher session or two, tailored to your individual needs.

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